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来源:整理 时间:2023-08-19 19:22:00 编辑:公务员考试 手机版


建筑具有韵律美的特点 好的建筑外型上 往往具有一定特点 重复 变化 乱序 还有凸出感 往往和音乐一样 在视觉上给人美的享受


2,建筑是凝固的音乐 建筑是石头的史书 谁说的

萌哥 第一个是歌德说的 第二个裴老师说的 哈哈

建筑是凝固的音乐 建筑是石头的史书 谁说的


“I call architecture frozen music.”——这前半句是德国作家歌德(Goethe,Johann Wolfgangvon 1749~1832)的英文原句翻译;后半段的演绎不妨说“And music is flowed architecture as well”
Buildings are the solid state of music; music is flowing buildings.
是翻译成英语吗?英文:Construction is the solidification music in the community, the construction of mobile
construction is the solidficated music, music is the ambulatory construction.
你好!Architecture is concretionary music; while music is fluid architecture.我的回答你还满意吗~~



Architecture is music in concrete; architectural features are the notes in a melody. Of course, the architect is the best musician composing such a movement.
Architecture is solidified music, while the architectural decoration is the note playing on the melody, the designer is naturally the best musician who have created such excellent products.
想不出很好的借喻句子,请包涵。Construction is a "concreting" music and building decorations are its melody notes. The architect is naturally the best musical player creating this project.Construction can be construed as music composition, where decos are the musical notes and the designer is the project creator of endearing music.
Construction is a "concreting" music and building decorations are its melody notes. The architect is naturally the best musical player creating this project. Construction can be construed as music composition, where decos are the musical notes and the designer is the project creator of endearing music.
